Annual Maintenance

Webiste Annual Maintenance Service by Webex Web Solutions

Website Maintenance is a pre-requisite for a business to harness a vibrant and intermediate online presence. It requires constant updation of content and design in order to keep pace with the changing trends. Webex Web Solutions helps you in realizing the advantages of maintained and updated website by delivering scalable response in respect to work. Good design leads to good lead but a good platform provides a great prospect. So come partner us and let us work as extended working units to your organization.

Any issue during a website’s/application’s update process can cost a business many hours and value that could have been avoidable altogether. Your website/application is the digital face of your business and needs to be working properly 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. For some businesses an hour, let alone a day with a website being down is equivalent to many possible customers lost. Thus maintaining a Website and Applications is an integral step of updating and keeping them working properly. An agency like ours assists you in both Website Annual Maintenance and Application Annual Maintenance so that you can remain focused on your overall business goals as maintaining them can be time consuming.

What are included in the Website Maintenance Services List?

We have already provided a basic explanation of what website maintenance includes. It’s now time to go over the key services that are included in the Website Maintenance Services List.

Scan for Vulnerabilities

Security should be the primary reason for website maintenance. Check for spam that may have surpassed your filters. Scanning for vulnerabilities regularly assures that your website is not attacked or taken over.

Repairs and Fixes

This is all related to errors, bugs, and broken links. Both internal and external links should be checked. A link checker can be run to look for broken links that frustrate the users and reduce the search engine rankings.

Browser Compatibility Testing

Ensure that all aspects of your website are functioning properly in the most common browsers. Your website must also be compatible with less-used browsers.

SEO & Analytics

With SEO you identify the issues which are affecting the ranking of your site.

Through the Google Analytics dashboard, check the important metrics of your site and the trends in those key metrics.


Check all the important functions like filling up signing forms, contact forms, checkout forms, etc to ensure that everything is working smoothly.

Website Content

Fresh and updated content on websites is what users and search engines like. Therefore regularly review your content, correct the mistakes, and upload new information with targeted words in a fresh style.

Software Update

The critical software your site relies on should be updated. For example; the content management system, its themes, and plugins. Also, upgrade non-critical software if they are worth applying.

Website Backups

The database backups would be automatically performed on a weekly basis and restored at least once every six months.

Site Speed

This is a very critical point to check. Use Yahoo’s YSlow or Google Pagespeed Insights to identify the issues which are slowing your site’s speed.

Looking For Website Maintenance Services?

Let our Experts take care of your website so that you can focus on your business.